Saturday, August 22, 2009


We have changed our office yet again. Brian is now working from home. It is working better than I thought possible. He brought a desk home and rearranged everything. This use to be a food storage/play/computer room. Now it holds three computers, and a growing food storage. As you can see it is wall to wall desks, literally.

When he is on a conference call he puts them on speaker so we know when not to enter. So far he only comes out for a few breaks during the day, that way he's not underfoot while I do my thing. :o) With him being Bishop and being busy many evenings and Sundays, it has been nice to have him around during the day to chat. I'm actually surprised it has worked so well.

1 comment:

Selita & Craig said...

I knew I shouldn't have left then I could probably be working from home too !!!