Monday, March 21, 2011

birthday boy

What a great day, to get this precious boy safely into this world.  Brian was such a mellow baby.  He slept through the night after 10 days or so and was happy to be snuggled and held.  I could have rocked him all of the time if he didn't have a two year old brother who wasn't being so calm and co-operative.  The fall after Brian was born I worked in the potato harvest and his Grandma Shuldberg watched him.  When I got off work the second day, Grandma Shuldberg asked if I thought we should take him into the Doctor and have him checked out because he never cried. "It's been two days and he has never made a peep!" she said "It's just not normal1" She always had to stir him when she thought it was time for him to eat or be changed.  Our lovable baby Brian!      We love you Brian!     Eternally yours,   Mom & Dad                   

1 comment:

I have a good life said...

What a great tribute! What a fun idea to have them guest blog. :)

Happy Birthday, Bishop!