Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Obedience brings Blessings

"When people follow the Lord, they prosper, they grow, and even though there are difficulties, the good things of life come according to the plan of the Lord." Elder L. Tom Perry, Liahona, January, 2004.

McKinzie is seeing those blessings. She went back to work yesterday. That same day, a friend called her and told her about a temp job where she works. McKinzie made a couple of calls yesterday, went in for an interview this morning, and starts tomorrow! The job is full time, daytime hours in an office. There is a great chance that it will turn into a permanent position with benefits. Wahoo!!! Way to go Kinz!! Now remember that obedience brings blessings everyday of your life.

Thanks friend for looking our for Kinz.

McKinzie just got off the phone...she's moving out!!! She was just approved for an apartment. The blessings just keep coming and coming!! Life is good!


Selita & Craig said...

She is a strong and brave girl. Moving out, on her now with a baby - I wish her all the best and all the blessings that she deserves. Good Luck McKinzie.

Jay said...

YAY!!!! Blessings do pour in. Way to go, McKinzie!

The Texas Bakers said...

That is a lot of great news all at once. Way to go, Kinz!