Thursday, December 3, 2009

Casa Mañana

I have been able to chaperon field trips for Bailee, Karlee and now Mason to this amazing theatre. With Bailee we saw "James and the Giant Peach". At that time it was her favorite book/movie. It was extremely memorable, the costumes for the insects were great! When I went with Karlee I don't remember what we saw. It was during the holidays, something about elves comes to mind. With Mason, today, we saw "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." It was a lot of fun! I am always amazed, when I go to a play, at how these people can lose themselves in a character.

Usually after a field trip we go to the park and have lunch, even in December. The weather has been very cold out so we had lunch in the class room. During lunch we watched the show "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" so the kids could compare the play to the movie. It was an over all success.

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