Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Awards and Graduation

Today was the 5th grade class graduation ceremony. The PTA and school had a very nice ceremony with a special guest speaker, Weldon Hafley. Karlee received two awards, most helpful and "A" honor roll. She has been very excited about the day. The rest of the day is filled with movie, pizza, kickball, bounce houses and ice cream. Way to go Karlee!! Next year is middle school. She is a little nervous, me a lot. Middle school can be a scary place.

The first grade class had their awards ceremony yesterday. I didn't know about it so I didn't attend :( The awards he received were, good attendance (he missed less than three days),"A" honor roll, great citizenship, and perfect punctuality (being on time everyday). Great job Mason!!

1 comment:

Lana said...

I have a picture of Mason shaking the princpals hand on awards day. I will send it to you.