Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mom and Dad - 51 years!!

Saturday was my parents anniversary, 51 years!! Last year for their 50th the kids gave them an open house. At first my Mom didn't want anything to do with the idea. Over time she decided it would be OK. When the day arrived I think she had a lot of fun. My Dad will go along with ever she wants, most of the time.

These two are inseparable. If my Dad needed to go into town for a part he would invite Mom to go, even if that meant all of the kids rode along. When my Mom would go shopping she would invite Dad, even though he would usually end up sitting on a bench in the mall waiting. They rarely go any where without the other. They have the most amazing relationship.

I almost wore this dress when I was married. Being off white, I didn't feel that would work with Brian's tux. We had planned on his tux being white. Now I regret not making it work. It's a beautiful dress and I've become quite sentimental lately.

I was in charge of the cake, so I asked my MIL to make it for the open house. Every wedding cake that I've seen her make have been amazing. What a talent!?!
Mom and Dad, I hope you have many, many, more anniversary's together. I love you both!! You have always been a great example to me. Thank you!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Happy Anniversary to you parents.
I think you look a lot like your mom. Lucky you!