Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Rock Path

Most Springs, Brian starts a new project in the yard. This year he is making a rock path to go around to our backyard. We've talked about it for a few years now. We couldn't decide if we should just buy a few stones at a time or estimate what we would need and fork out the money at once. So, he came home the other day with all of this. When he first brought it home I thought there was no way we were going to use all that stone. Well, now I'm not sure if it will be enough.

I am really liking the way it is turning out. He had to make a little step next to our deck, which I think turned out perfect. Brian is quite pleased with it as well. He will work on it for a couple of hours in the evenings when he has the time. It is moving along much quicker than I thought is would. Brian is enjoying it so much that he is dreaming about it. When it is finished and the grass is back t normal I'll post another picture.


I have a good life said...

Wow! I love that path. It looks great even without the grass! :) Great job!

nikko said...

It looks so nice!