Today after school Carson went upstairs to put his books away. About an hour later I hadn't heard anything so I was concerned he was asleep.
This is how I found him. Poor guy. A few late nights and school all day really wears him out. Good thing tomorrow is our last day. Wahoo!!!
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
school musical
Karlee was involved in the musical this year. They did Flat Stanley. They all did a great job. She was a bird, and a Hollywood producer. She did great!! The scene as the producer had some tricky dance moves. She had a solo part is this scene also and WOW! I already knew she could sing and dance but I was super impressed. She was loving it. She's already signed up to take theatre next year as a Freshman.
Way to go Karlee!! You have some amazing talents!!
birthday boy
Life is too busy when it takes almost a week to update a birthday. Unfortunately this might be the case for Mason's birthdays. The end of May is always super crazy with end of school activities.
Mason has been asking for a Kindle Fire since January. In fact he wanted one so bad he told me he wanted to sell his DSiXL so he could buy one. At the end of April he was super serious about selling his DSi so I put is on Craigslist with a couple of games. We actually had someone interested. But it fell through. Which was OK with me. :)
Brian and I decided to give him one for his birthday. He LOVES it!! He also received an Amazon gift card, a VISA gift card, and two gift cards for an online game he plays with his friend. He couldn't be any happier.
Am I second guessing the Kindle? No, I just need to get control. He has downloaded maybe 18 games, free. Bought one spider man game and one book. When I ask him to practice the piano or help in the kitchen he wants to get angry. Then he remembers I can take the Kindle at any time. So he quickly becomes obedient. Oh the power I have. ;-)
Friday Nathan came over for a sleepover for Mason's birthday. We went to see Avengers!! Loved it!! Loved everything about it. We could go again. Then the boys swam and ate poolside. :)
Monday, May 28, 2012
last game
These pictures are from over a week ago. I love that I was able to see his expression on his face. I love my camera!!
Geoff was throwing water on Adam and he was loving every second of it. :D
Friday, May 25, 2012
more awards
I was very excited to go to Carson's Kindergarten graduation. They sang two super cute songs. I was surprised, as I was listening, I started to get choked up. I'm a little sad that my baby is growing up.
Carson was surprised that Brian was able to be there. It was very sweet to watch as Carson read his book he made to him. :)
Carson was surprised that Brian was able to be there. It was very sweet to watch as Carson read his book he made to him. :)
Mrs. Jester has been a great teacher. Mason has really enjoyed being in her class. He's made many new friends this year. He ended the year on the AB Honor Roll. Way to go Mason!!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
field day
Carson's field day was Monday. We ended up having great weather. Not too hot either. The kids moved around to 15 stations, but this water game was their favorite.
Jaxson, Ella, Brianna, Matthew, and Carson. We had a super easy group of kids. :)
The water game was also the 4th graders favorite. :D
His class didn't win any of the relays, but they kicked butt on the tug of war. After they won against the first class they gathered all around then turned and growled at the other classes. It was great!!
Jaxson, Ella, Brianna, Matthew, and Carson. We had a super easy group of kids. :)
Carson's class won the first tug of war against Mrs. Gerald. Then they lost against Mrs. Carrol.
Mason's field day was this morning. I really lucked out having both AM field days.
The water game was also the 4th graders favorite. :D
His class didn't win any of the relays, but they kicked butt on the tug of war. After they won against the first class they gathered all around then turned and growled at the other classes. It was great!!
They competed against three more teams and won!
double digits
It's hard to believe that Mason is 10 years old today. He's always been my little buddy. As a toddler he would stay close, very close, by my side. I never had to worry about him wondering off, or hiding in a store. :)
I love that he'll still hold my hand. On his field trip a few weeks ago he would grab my hand and walk with me. It melted my heart.
He's very sensitive. I know that some people don't think that's a good thing, but I would rather this than someone too tough to listen to his heart.
Many, many months ago at recess the boys he was playing with wouldn't include another boy. Mason noticed and told the rest of the boys that he should be able to play too. They wouldn't let him, so Mason chose to sit out of the game with this boy. I'll never know if this made a difference for the other boy. But I know Mason made a difference. He is aware how people are treated and tries to be fair.
I love you Mason!!! I hope you have a super great day!!
I love that he'll still hold my hand. On his field trip a few weeks ago he would grab my hand and walk with me. It melted my heart.
He's very sensitive. I know that some people don't think that's a good thing, but I would rather this than someone too tough to listen to his heart.
Many, many months ago at recess the boys he was playing with wouldn't include another boy. Mason noticed and told the rest of the boys that he should be able to play too. They wouldn't let him, so Mason chose to sit out of the game with this boy. I'll never know if this made a difference for the other boy. But I know Mason made a difference. He is aware how people are treated and tries to be fair.
I love you Mason!!! I hope you have a super great day!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Last night was the awards ceremony for the 8th graders. Karlee earned many awards, which was not a surprise.
- Outstanding Participation in UIL Spelling
- Most Improved in Treble Choir
- Outstanding Participation in UIL One Act Play
- Outstanding Participation in UIL Oral Reading
- President's Academic Excellence Award
- Principal's Award
choir = NRH20
Mason decided to do choir at school only because of the end of the year competition at NRH20. There were days he didn't want to stay after school for choir so I would remind him about swimming. When the day arrived, last Wednesday, we had a blast! We stayed until they closed and we could have stayed longer.
Is it a good thing when you and your friend have such similar taste? We got a few strange looks, but we both handled it well. A few friends/teachers asked if we planned it. Yeah, right! It gave us a good laugh. Now I need to remember not to wear this suit when the cub scouts have their summer swim in a few months. ;-)

good day
Today I went to the temple by myself. I invited many people, some by phone some by text. But schedules were just too busy. I know the feeling. This was my only chance all month.
So I took my camera along. :) I don't think I've ever taken pictures in the AM before.
When I was finished at the temple I gave McKinzie a call to see where she was working. In the Dallas!!! We met for lunch. We ate and laughed, and talked, and complained for an hour and 40 minutes. I barely made it back before the boys got home from school.
It's been a great day. We (I) didn't have to be anywhere this afternoon or evening. Carson had Michael over to swim and play, although he tells me it wasn't long enough. Mason played on the computer, longer than he should have. The girls went to church, and I didn't HAVE to be anywhere. WAHOO!!
So I took my camera along. :) I don't think I've ever taken pictures in the AM before.
When I was finished at the temple I gave McKinzie a call to see where she was working. In the Dallas!!! We met for lunch. We ate and laughed, and talked, and complained for an hour and 40 minutes. I barely made it back before the boys got home from school.
It's been a great day. We (I) didn't have to be anywhere this afternoon or evening. Carson had Michael over to swim and play, although he tells me it wasn't long enough. Mason played on the computer, longer than he should have. The girls went to church, and I didn't HAVE to be anywhere. WAHOO!!
Friday, May 18, 2012
choo choo
We rode the train today with some friends. The day was beautiful!
The train made a stop to buy popcorn. We got off and went and played at the playground and caught the next train. I took over 50 pictures and the bottom one is my fav. He's soo dang cute. I didn't tell him to smile or look at me or anything. I was just snapping randomly. :0)
career day
Carson's class has had different parents come in all week talking about their career. He was told on Tuesday that Friday they could dress up in a career. I mentioned on how I might be able to make an oxygen tank for him. Well, everyday he would ask if I made it. :) Wednesday night it took him over an hour to fall asleep because he was so excited about Friday!
I only helped with the tank, he came up with everything else. He has a great imagination. This morning he decided he needed suspenders. Even without the helmet, jacket, tank, ax, and water hose, he really looked like a firefighter. He LOVED it!!!
I only needed to buy the tape and tubing. I think it turned out pretty good. I might need to hang on to this for Halloween. ;)
I only helped with the tank, he came up with everything else. He has a great imagination. This morning he decided he needed suspenders. Even without the helmet, jacket, tank, ax, and water hose, he really looked like a firefighter. He LOVED it!!!
I only needed to buy the tape and tubing. I think it turned out pretty good. I might need to hang on to this for Halloween. ;)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
good times
Karlee has spent three years in choir with Mr. Walker. This year she has spent three class periods with him. Choir, theatre, and CTV, plus the musical. So, 4+ hours a day is spent under his direction. Tonight was her choir concert. It got a little emotional for a few 8th graders. He loves theatre and music and I think many of the students have learned to love it too. Karlee will preform in the musical next week and then it's only a matter of days and she will no longer me an 8th grader. She's finding out it's a little bittersweet.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
mothers day
Sunday turned out to be a great day. Brian gave me these tulips on Thursday and it has been wonderful to watch them open. Normally he gives me roses. I like the change. :)
The kids gave me cards, some homemade some store bought. Karlee made me some black rose earrings out of bias tape. They are beautiful! I had already planned on wearing black and white so I was able to wear them right away. While I was preparing lunch the boys were eager to help do whatever I asked them to do. They are so sweet (when they want to be).
Carson prepared FHE with the help of Karlee. He dressed up as Samuel the Lamanite and "stood on a wall" and prophesied.
Brian and I went for a walk that evening. I LOVED it! We had a great chat about the day and the things we learned at church.
I thought about Mom... I'm trying really hard to not think about how much I miss her, but how great of a woman she was. This will take some practice. :)
Well...we didn't ride the train. It was closed due to rain. So instead we went to the museum and played with trains. I think Adam thought it worked out just fine. We're going to try again this Friday. I'm hopeful. The forecast looks sunny.
During my super busy week I also made freezer jam. I know I should have put it off for another day. When I decide to do something I do it. No matter how crazy my schedule is. :0)
As you can tell by the date stamp on the pictures I'm not using my DSLR. I'm getting kinda lazy to pull it out for snapshots. I've been using Bailee's. I might need to get me a point and shoot (hint, hint Brian). They are so convenient.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
busy week
This week as been super busy. It's Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week. I've tried to do my part appreciating.
Monday I went in to cover recess duty for Mason's teacher. It actually was fun. The kids were eating and having a great time socializing. Tuesday the PTA had Jason's Deli cater lunch and asked for parents to bring in home baked desserts. I made pistachio pie. I so wished there was some left at home to enjoy. But there wasn't any so I liked the beaters and spatula and still wished I had more.
Wednesday I went in and covered lunch and recess duty for Carson's teacher. These teachers really loved it. They were able to go off campus for lunch. Such a treat! I then covered lunch duty again for Mason's teacher. Mason's teacher ended up being sick and he had a sub. If I had known that, I probably would of blown it off.
Today the 4th grade class went to Casa Manana to see Annie Jr. It was a lot of fun. The kids all enjoyed it. I've been to about 4 different productions here and I've always been impressed.
This is one of Mason's best friends, Ben. (Mason took the pic.) After the play we went to a park for lunch and free time. The kids had a great time playing soccer and tag on the playground.
Tomorrow I have Adam. I'm planning on taking him on a train. :D
it's only a card
This past Tuesday I went to go by my MIL a Mother's Day card. As soon as I saw all those cards I lost it. I couldn't open them up and choose one. I have been doing so well for weeks. At that moment all the pain came back. I knew the rest of the day would be rough.
I sent Brain a text and asked him to pick out the card this year. I told him I'd still mail it, but I couldn't read them. I'm surprised at how difficult it was to stand in the card aisle. Mom past away in April 2010. The next month I went and bought a card for my MIL. I actually did OK. I looked at only a few. I needed to choose quickly. Last year I don't remember it being too difficult. This year is a completely different story. It goes it show you you never know when it's going to hit.
So now I ache. I just want to buy her a card...
I sent Brain a text and asked him to pick out the card this year. I told him I'd still mail it, but I couldn't read them. I'm surprised at how difficult it was to stand in the card aisle. Mom past away in April 2010. The next month I went and bought a card for my MIL. I actually did OK. I looked at only a few. I needed to choose quickly. Last year I don't remember it being too difficult. This year is a completely different story. It goes it show you you never know when it's going to hit.
So now I ache. I just want to buy her a card...
boys of summer
Carson started baseball on Saturday. He's really enjoying it. These boys are dang cute in their uniforms. These three are in the same Kindergarten class and they only live down the road. I hope they can stay good friends over the years.
Matthew, Payton, and Carson
These are the goals from soccer. It's become an instant jungle gym. :)
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