Saturday night Bailee went to a dance in another Stake. It was semi formal and she wasn't sure what she was going to wear. Luckily she was able to find a dress in McKinzie's closet. I think she liked dressing up a bit. What girl doesn't.

Then on Sunday we were able to attend a fireside in Colleyville,
Paul Cardall was the speaker. He was born with congenital heart disease and had a heart transplant just over a year ago. He is an extremely talented pianist, self taught. I have one of his CD's and he signed it for me. He ended up playing three pieces. I would of loved hearing him play more.
Just an FYI...he is not that tall. As soon as we turned for the picture he "stretched". We all laughed. He has a great sense of humor.
Wow, Bailee has grown up to be such a beautiful girl. She looks a lot like you.
I too like Paul
I didn't know about Sister Smith's passing. I met her when we invited her to speak to our Stake. She was a gracious, lovely, and charming and gave a wonderful talk.
I too like Paul Cardall's music and I'm glad he's doing well. How fun that you got to go and hear him.
Interesting. :) I have some Paul Cardall music. Very cool that you got to meet him. :)
She is getting so grown up!
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