19 things about McKinzie:
- loves pancakes
- loves batman
- loves to laugh
- doesn't like to cry in front of anyone
- dances to her own music (sometimes without music)
- great sense of humor
- an awesome big sister
- has her own style (mismatched socks, on purpose)
- is the best bestfriend anyone could ever have
- learning how to stretch money
- loves having her own place
- not afraid to speak her mind
- loves her job
- enjoys hanging out with her family
- loves her car
- she's beautiful
- generous
- loves to ride ATV's
- she's a GREAT mom!
Happy birthday Kinzie!! We love you!! We are very proud of the person you are and the great mom you are for Adam.

(The boys thought this cake was pretty cool. I'm sure I'll be making it again for them.)
I just wanted to let you know, my socks matched today!!!
tell kinzie i said happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Kinz......I remember now that our birthdays are close together :)
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