Friday, June 11, 2010

twilight camp

What a fun week it has been for Mason and all the cub scouts. This is Mason ready for his first day. On Thursday I volunteered to chaperon. The first station was knots. They are soo hard. I watched and watched to try and help, but I was useless. Luckily the man teaching went around to every scout to help them one on one.
The next station, which I think was Mason's favorite for the day, was making a covered wagon and some chaps for a neckerchief slide.

The third station was calf roping. Half the kids tried to rope a calf while the other half played a golf game. They were the hottest here. All of it was in the sun and it was around 4:30pm. We were all getting very warm.

After dinner we had some entertainment from a local theatre company, the boys loved it.
There were two stations left after dinner. Branding, where Mason made an "M" brand...

then first aid. The boys were given a prescription bottle that had a zip tie through it to attach to their neckerchief slide. They had alcohol, gauze bandage, and neosporin in it. Maybe more, I'm not sure.

These are all the bears and wolves after a long day at camp.

Here are all the boys from our pack that went to camp. Today they still had BB gun shooting to do and then they were going to make a rubber band gun. They were all looking forward to the day with great anticipation.

I know a week long of day camp for the leaders is a lot. I am soo grateful to all the individuals that put this all together and for the sacrifice of their time. Mason has loved every minute of it.


Natalie said...

Cute little wolves and bears. This camp look like so much fun.

nikko said...

Oh, it looks like so much fun! My M is so sad to have missed it this year. How fun that you got to go with your M! :o)

AngeeBee said...

HELLO! We love you and your family!
We miss your fun and laughter... and since we are less than 20 miles away from each other - we need to GET TOGETHER!

Sending our love!