I can't believe that it has been a week since my last post. The days are flying by, sometimes blurring together. Both boys have started playing basketball through the Y. Carson jumps around the court during the game, just excited to be running with his team.

Mason loves practice more than the game. During practice he will be running "ladders" and he is grinning. He loves it!

With the start of the new year my schedule has become crazy. Monday night is FHE. Tuesday Mason has basketball practice. Wednesday Karlee has activity days twice a month then Bailee has church. Thursday Karlee has piano and Mason has another basketball practice. Carson originally had practice on Thursday too, it was cancelled, whew! Friday Carson has basketball practice. Then both the boys have games on Saturday. Don't forget "date night". That use to happen on Friday, no matter what. Well, that's been bumped and Brian and I aren't pleased. Saturday has been working so far, we're afraid it might get lost in all the activities. I know, some of you might say, "What's the big deal?" It really is a big deal. That is usually the only time it's just us. No kids, no work, no church. WE really need our time. Then somewhere in there I fit in visiting teaching, usually on Wednesday nights when Bailee and Karlee can help watch the boys. Starting next week Karlee will be having meets for the Academic Team she is on at school, Tuesday afternoons. I'm sure there is more...

During the day I spend my time with these two boys. Carson decided to climb in Peanut's "home" and he locked the door. He wasn't bothered at all...silly kid! I'm sure once Adam starts crawling there will be two boys doing crazy things like this. :o)

Adam is becoming more and more fun everyday. He talks and giggles and loves to have every ones attention. Life is busy, but good.
My head is whirling with everything you have to keep up with and I'm not even the one going every where! And I understand about that precious date time. It is what couples need!
Life does fly by. You are so busy. All of it is good. You are just super woman.
I understand being busy completely. I would love to go out Friday, though. I need some friend time even if I might have a one-thought mind....just bring me back to earth once in a while. I have so much to share and ask you.
You are so busy and you are awesome. Little Adam is growing and he sure is cute, just like his uncles.:)
I will watch the boys anytime you want to go in the day it didn't take but half a day to be hooked:)
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