Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I thought a chance of rain...

We walk our dog for 30 minutes, twice a day. Brian will walk him in the morning, then in the evening Brian and I will take him for another walk. If he doesn't get his walk on schedule he jumps up on everyone, nips us, and I'm sure he would chew on everything.

This morning, the weather started sounding questionable for a walk. We started hearing some thunder. Brian decided to take him on a shorter walk in hopes to miss the rain. They didn't make it home in time. I don't think I've ever seen them this wet from rain. Luckily they were in good spirits. What else do you do when you are blocks from home, but keep on walking. Thanks Bri and Kinz for taking him out this morning. Peanut has behaved himself.

1 comment:

Selita & Craig said...

heheeh a couple of drowned rats comes to mind......how about an umbrella???